atingi’s role in enabling upskilling highlighted at eLearning Africa 2024

June 20, 2024

In May 2024, atingi participated in the 17th eLearning Africa conference held in Kigali, Rwanda, alongside other GIZ initiatives. This annual event serves as a vibrant platform for students, educators, policymakers, and experts to come together and explore innovative e-learning solutions. The conference aims to bridge the digital divide and improve access to high-quality education across Africa.

This year's conference theme, "Education Fuels Innovation, Investment Amplifies Skills: Africa's Vibrant Leap Forward," resonated deeply with atingi's mission to bridge the digital divide and equip learners with accessible, high-quality eLearning resources.

atingi's presence at the conference was multifaceted. We secured a prominent booth, allowing us to showcase the platform's functionalities and engage directly with attendees. Our team had the pleasure of having numerous productive conversations with potential partners, educators, and e-learning specialists. We also welcomed our partner projects FAIR Forward and the Agribusiness e-Academy to the atingi booth to showcase collaborations on AI and offline digital learning solutions.

Furthermore, atingi actively participated in the conference programme. We were honoured to present during a panel discussion on data upskilling. This session provided a valuable opportunity to highlight atingi as a powerful enabling solution, supporting critical skills in data and digitalization for learners in Africa and beyond.

The eLearning Africa conference was a resounding success for atingi and proved to be a fertile ground for positive interactions and collaboration. We look forward to continuing to leverage atingi's potential to empower learners and shape a brighter future for education on the continent.

As a pivotal tool for digital learning in German development cooperation, we are especially keen on collaborating with GIZ projects that want to utilize atingi for their digital competence development and publish relevant e-learning content for their learners.

Are you interested in using atingi for your digital learning activities? We are here to enable colleagues across the globe to make use of atingi and its services! Learn more about partnering with us here.

Three people in conversation at a conference booth.
Anika Schmidt (atingi) in conversation during eLA 2024 at the atingi booth. (© www.introduce.berlin_dominik-tryba)
Four people in conversation at a conference booth.
Simon Striegel (ABF) and Anika Schmidt (atingi) at the atingi booth with conference participants. ((© www.introduce.berlin_dominik-tryba))
Two man with conference badges in front of roll-up banners at an e-learning conference.
Two conference paprticipants at the atingi booth (© www.introduce.berlin_dominik-tryba)
Woman in green blouse standing at a conference booth at a laptop.
Anika Schmidt (atingi) at the atingi booth during eLA 2024. (© www.introduce.berlin_dominik-tryba)
Five people standing side by side in a conference room.
atingi's Omeed Mosavat (right) with his fellow panelists of the data upskilling session.