Bringing like-minded people together

Welcome to the Global Sport for Development Community

Empowering the Global S4D Community through knowledge sharing and exchange

The Sport for Development (S4D) Community is an online learning community commited to connecting S4D practitioners worldwide. atingi collaborates with the S4D project to provide trainings about the S4D principles in general and deep-dive into specific topics such as mental health and well-being – all to drive change and make an impact through sport.

Open laptop screen with a video conference taking place
About the community

Committed to supporting S4D practitioners

Welcome to a global platform where sport meets social change. The Global Sport for Development (S4D) Community connects practitioners, educators, and enthusiasts from around the world to share knowledge, exchange ideas, collaborate and learn, and amplify the impact of sport as a tool for social change. Whether you're here to enhance your skills, connect with like-minded professionals, or contribute to the growing body of S4D work, you're in the right place.


The platform is dedicated to facilitating knowledge exchange, capacity building, and creating a global community of practice.

People playing beach volleyball at sunset


Join the conversation in our Community Forum, where S4D practitioners from across the globe share insights, discuss challenges, and celebrate successes.

Close up of the beginning of a running track


Enhance your knowledge and understanding of S4D with our events calendar, featuring workshops, webinars, and interactive sessions led by industry experts.

Image with copy saying 'Love to learn'

Knowledge Hub

Tailored for both newcomers and seasoned practitioners, our knowledge hub is designed to enhance your understanding and implementation of sport for development initiatives.

Overview of Sport for Development courses

Four young people during a sports game

Introduction to Sport for Development

This course provides learners with a comprehensive overview of the principles of sports as a tool for development. Participants will delve into the basics of S4D and understand the connection between sport and sustainable development goals.

Basketball trainer and youth during a training session.

Safeguarding in Sport and Sport for Development

Safeguarding involves creating a safe, inclusive, enjoyable, and harm-free environment. This course covers the basic concepts of safeguarding in sport and sport development, suitable for any sports facilitator.

Young women and men lined up during a training sessions

Sport for Employability

This course provides practitioners with an introduction to using sport as a tool for enhancing employment opportunities for young people, specifically exploring the relation of S4D activities with the Sustainable Development Goal No. 8.

People on a lawn holding hands in a circle

Sport for Social Cohesion

This course focuses on the pivotal role that sports play in promoting social cohesion within communities. Participants will explore the importance of social cohesion, particularly in the context of sustainable development goals.

Close up of a notepad with writing on it

Monitoring and Evaluation in Sport for Development

This course provides an overview of monitoring and evaluation principles, guiding participants through key terminologies and the process of developing a theory of change for a robust evaluation plan.

Four young women wearing hijab in a class room setting

Sport for Gender Equality

This course highlights the role of sports in promoting gender equality and inclusivity. Participants will learn to apply a gendered perspective, understand gender stereotypes' impact, and explore how sports can challenge these stereotypes.

Join the Global S4D Community today!

Become a part of the Global S4D Community Platform and contribute to shaping the future of Sport for Development.

Let's empower, connect, and engage for a better world through sport.

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